Southern Recipe Card

Northern Recipe Card

Mountain Water Process (MWP) Decaf Process

The Water Decaffeination Process uses water from the mountains to gently remove the caffeine until the coffee beans are 99.9% caffeine-free, while ...

Espresso definition

The definition of an espresso according to the 2020 World Barista Championship Rules and Regulations is as follows: Espresso shot volume: 30mL +/...


Body is one of the categories used to complete evaluations of coffee, along with other categories such as aroma, sweetness, flavour, acidity, afte...


So what is degassing? When coffee is roasted, gases form inside the bean. After roasting, gases (mostly carbon dioxide) start seeping out. When cof...

Bean development - Before first crack

Many changes occur during bean development and many mistakes too. Bean development is the crucial time where the flavor and aromas are created duri...


Body in coffee is the sensation of weight and texture that is felt while drinking. It is something we feel in our mouth when we are drinking coffe...

Drying phase during roasting

Roasting transforms coffee from a green seed to the aromatic, flavorful bean we love. But what happens during the process? When we roast coffee be...

Green bean moisture content

Green bean moisture content in specialty coffee usually varies from 10–12%, although the International Coffee Organization accepts a broader range...

How to make a filter coffee

View this post on Instagram In our latest IGTV video we take a closer look at how to make the perfect filter coffee...

Fine food festival

36P takes on all comers at the fine food festival Sydney.